Why -Dogs look down on people-


Dogs have poor vision, and their eye coordination ability is only 1/5 to 1/3 of humans. A dog's ability to perceive an object depends on the environment in which the object is located. Fixed targets can be seen within 50 meters; moving targets can be seen 825 meters away.

Dogs have excellent long-sightedness, which is very useful in hunting. Most dogs cannot focus when looking at objects within 25 centimeters. The dog's line of sight is very broad, with a single eye's horizontal line of sight ranging from 100 to 125. (The human eye is only 90 degrees), the upper line of sight is 50 degrees to 70 degrees, the lower line of sight is 30 degrees to 60 degrees, and the binocular vision can reach 250 degrees. It can see objects in front more clearly, but due to the transformation of the dog's head It is very clever, so it is possible to "see in all directions and hear in all directions".

Due to the structure of dogs’ eyes, the image of people in their eyes is often relatively small, so there is a saying that dogs look at people shorter, which is actually well-founded. Although the dog's eyesight is not particularly good, it still plays a considerable role, so the care of the dog's eyes cannot be taken lightly.

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